Where learning is celebrated


Flexi Hub evolved because we wanted to offer our children a place where they could come together to make friends and learn from inspiring teachers in a nurturing environment.


“It’s just how school should be”

Flexi Hub Parent


Flexi Hub offers a broad range of subjects, over three days a week during term time, that are academic, hands on and creative.


Creative learning in a nurturing environment


At Flexi Hub we provide a broad program of lessons that offer an equal emphasis in helping children develop core academic skills as well as their creative, physical, emotional and social development.

English, maths, science, French, art, drama, textiles, sport, yoga, Bandit, music, project lesson, gardening, cooking, mindfulness and outdoor learning.



Open for registration now 

For academic subjects we run four learning groups at Flexi Hub for students approaching six to school year ten. Children often come together for other subjects.


In this group many of the children will have come straight from Kindergarten, or home education and it may be their first experience of sitting down and learning to read and write.

In Beams we like to mix up desk time with physical activities and work at the child’s pace, introducing things slowly and thoroughly


After Beams children begin developing their reading, writing and core academic skills further. At the same time Flexi Hub children continuing to develop their physical coordination and self-expression through dance, drama art and textiles and a sensitivity and understanding of the world around them, through outdoor and project lessons and Mindfulness. 

Our two eldest groups at Flexi Hub the Sparks and Fireflies form the upper half and take the students up to school year ten. Often working closely together for creative, physical and practical lessons. These students are preparing themselves for life after Flexi Hub at college.